
Missing options (Score: 2, Funny)

by in Which of the following groups do you trust when it comes to scientific research and reporting? on 2014-11-09 19:25 (#2TYR)

Personally I only trust what the Invisible Pink Unicorn tells me. I mean, if you can't believe an Invisible Pink Unicorn, what can you believe?!

Re: Ambiguity (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-23 16:20 (#40V)

Hurrah for tzdata!

Shameless plug

Re: Don't you know? (Score: 1)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-23 16:17 (#40T)

Are you sure the tracking works?

I'm pretty sure I have clicked on that short link, but Europe/Copenhagen isn't in the list.

Even if the click went over IPv6, the other end of my IPv6-tunnel is in Sweden, but I don't see Europe/Stockholm in the list either.

Re: Could take a while (Score: 4, Interesting)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-20 22:19 (#403)

Instead of geolocating, why not check the "time zone" setting in our profile settings?

Re: Map (Score: 1)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-20 22:15 (#402)

Privacy Badger really doesn't like that link.

I'm a bit unsure what timezone you want me to pick. Your link says Denmark is "GMT+2", but if you ask date, you'll have to use TZ=GMT-2 date to get the correct output.

BTW: Have you considered sorting the options in a more logical order?

Re: Could take a while (Score: 1)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-20 22:00 (#3ZY)

Geolocating doesn't work very well if people are using an IPv6-tunnel, VPN, Tor, ...

Re: XFCE, console and "Other" (Score: 1)

by in In any given month I use as interface: on 2014-08-11 21:48 (#3T8)

Oh, I also use the android interface on my phone. The buttons on my remote, my clock radio and my microwave oven could also be called an "interface"...

Hold on. I'll come back later with a much longer list.

XFCE, console and "Other" (Score: 1)

by in In any given month I use as interface: on 2014-08-11 21:42 (#3T6)

"Other" being CDE at work.

[Ed. note: Time to give up your cellphone and go back to using public phone booths? Oh, wait …] (Score: 2, Funny)

by in Meet the Stingray on 2014-07-29 08:35 (#2PK)

... and people call me crazy for carrying around a carrier pigeon all the time.

I also got enough kindling wood to make a small fire in case I need to use smoke signals for some broad- or multicasting.

Pure comedy gold (Score: 4, Funny)

by in Wikipedia brings down the ban-hammer on US Congress on 2014-07-26 01:59 (#2NH)

Some of use here are just making grammatical edits
And the award for most ironic comment goes to...

Re: For what purpose? (Score: 1)

by in Best desktop Linux distribution: on 2014-05-17 02:48 (#1PD)

It could be both, unless that's an xor.

Re: Would like to have seen a *BSD option (Score: 1)

by in Best desktop Linux distribution: on 2014-05-17 02:47 (#1PC)

A *BSD option would be a bit weird when the poll is about the "Best desktop Linux distribution".

Any non-flash options? (Score: 1)

by in Live Video Feed of Earth From Space on 2014-05-03 21:47 (#1BS)

Does anyone have a link of a feed that doesn't need flash?

Re: Confusing article (Score: 2, Informative)

by in ISC Ends BIND Development and Renames it Bundy on 2014-04-20 06:14 (#14R)

'Bundy' is an awful name that only evokes Al Bundy of Married with Children fame.

So, you have never heard of Ted Bundy?

Re: Good Job Guys! (Score: 1)

by in Soylent News has launched! on 2014-02-17 06:06 (#N)

You too!